ABOR letter to faculty, staff for 2017-2018 academic year
On behalf of the Arizona Board of Regents, welcome to the 2017-2018 academic year. We count ourselves fortunate to have so many talented and dedicated individuals working on behalf of Arizona’s public universities students.
We trust that a portion of your summer was spent indulging in some well-deserved rest and relaxation, and that you are ready to begin another academic year as we welcome returning students and the new class of 2021!
Because of your hard work, Arizona is home to innovative and excelling universities that prioritize student success while stimulating a growing economy and high quality of life for Arizonans.
Your work is at the heart of a world-class university enterprise where students come from around the world to earn their degrees. Whatever your role — from teaching our students, conducting groundbreaking research or providing support services — your dedication contributes to the success of Arizona State University.
Students are the ultimate beneficiaries of your work. Because of your efforts, they will be prepared for future careers, benefiting our state and society. We appreciate your commitment and look forward to another productive academic year at ASU.
We wish you the best in the pursuit of knowledge.

Eileen I. Klein
President, Arizona Board of Regents

Bill Ridenour
Chair, Arizona Board of Regents