Fábio Bartoloni

Fábio Bartoloni, a Doctor of Musical Arts in guitar performance student, recently returned from a musical tour of Europe, performing at concerts in Darmstadt and Mannheim, Germany; London, England; and Picardie, France.
The idea for the tour started when his group Duo Lucatelle-Bartoloni, with his wife and pianist Daniela Lucatelle, was invited to perform at the 10th Festival Guitares en Picardie, in France. "I contacted colleagues that I had played with in Europe: guitarist Marcos Flavio Nogueira in Germany and clarinetist and composer Luca Luciano in the U.K.," says Bartoloni. "Since we would be nearby, we decided to hold concerts in these countries as well."
The couple says the most memorable concert was in London at St. Mary at Finchley Church. "Performing in this 14th century building, made mainly of stone and wood, to a sold-out audience, was especially touching," he says. The money from the sold tickets was to be used for the repair of the damaged church roof.
Bartoloni thinks that connections, especially international ones, are very important for musicians in todays society. "We can share our music with other people and learn a lot from them," he says. "This often leads to future tours and interactions with musicians from other parts of the world."