Jason Thompson

Jason Thompson, assistant professor in the School of Music, and his music education colleagues were awarded a $10,000 grant from the National Association for Music Education and the Society for Research in Music Education to conduct a study addressing diversity, equity and inclusion within their profession. Over a two-year period, the funds will enable these researchers to explore the community capacity and community cultural wealth that 13- to 18-year-olds in the Phoenix metro region use to "do music" in school music programs, in community music programs or on their own apart from any school or community organization.

Existing inequities suggest that the social, cultural and musical capital of underrepresented groups may lack currency among existing institutional structures. However, these researchers believe that understanding how young people develop these capacities through music participation, as well as where they face limitations, may help the profession develop more effective ways to bridge school and community partnerships and to facilitate inclusive musical opportunities for underrepresented and underserved young people. Thompson, the lead for the study, was one of only two recipients awarded a grant by the national organization.