Year in pictures: Charlie Leight

Where can we attach that oil can?

How do you tell a story about a race car that started out as a bunch of 1-inch by 20-foot-long tubes? Packing up the old law school? And move-in day? Presidential candidates and their family members campaigning to be the leader of the free world?

These are a few of the events that defined 2016 for ASU. In the process of covering these and so many more stories, I shot a few hundred thousand pictures, working toward the ones that would show you the unique people and their accomplishments that made this a remarkable year. 

Before the fall semester began, I wanted to take pictures of a play from first casting call through final curtain call. We hooked up with third-year grad student Ricky Araiza as he was planning to direct "Feathers and Teeth" by Charise Castro Smith. The student production began at the end of August and finished with a Sunday matinee in the beginning of November. Araiza, the four actors and a score of artistic and technical wizards put on seven shows of the horror-comedy show in the Nelson Fine Arts Center before around 400 people.