April 26 Registration for ASU Piano Prep/Conservatory Programs
WHAT: Registration for ASU Piano Prep/Conservatory Programs
WHEN: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 26
WHERE: W-255, Music Building, 40 E. Gammage Parkway, Tempe
COST: $790 and $960
INFORMATION: 480-965-1702 or 480-965-3823
The Arizona State University Piano Prep/Conservatory Programs in the Herberger College School of Music will hold registration for the 2003-2004 school year on Saturday, April 26, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in room W-255 of the Music Building. The location is 40 East Gammage Parkway, northeast corner of Mill Avenue and Gammage Parkway in Tempe.
Interviews will be held for beginners with no previous piano instruction who will reach the age of seven by Sep. 1. A limited number of openings also exist for transfer students with prior study, ages 7-17. Parents interested in enrolling a child should phone the Prep Program office, 480-965-1702, or the program director, professor of music Jan Meyer Thompson, 480-965-3823, for further information or to schedule an appointment.
Through the Piano Prep/Conservatory Programs, young piano students receive quality keyboard instruction from experienced faculty associate instructors and supervised ASU graduate students in piano pedagogy. The program is highly motivating for students, who are given weekly individual and group lessons in the university setting.
Lessons begin Sept. 8 and continue through May 14, 2004. Summer instruction is available and encouraged. Tuition for the program is $790 (Piano Prep) or $960 (Conservatory), which is payable in installments.
Media Contact:
Mary Brennan