“Tomato Plant Girl,” an enchanting tale for all ages, opens in Tempe
WHAT: The Herberger College of Fine Arts Department of Theatre at ASU presents “Tomato Plant Girl,” a play for all audiences. Written by Wesley Middleton and directed by Emily Petkewich, this is a wonderful tale of friendship, empowerment and self-confidence that appeals to children and adults alike. “Tomato Plant Girl” tells the touching story of the trials of friendship between young girls.
Little Girl is a newcomer to Heretown, just arrived from Thereville. Little Girl loves books and tomato plants, but her Bossy Best Friend loves Barbies and clothes, and she gets to make the rules when they play together in their tomato garden every day at 5 p.m. SHARP! Little Girl figures it's better to play by her only friend's unfair rules than to play alone. But when Bossy Best Friend goes on vacation, Little Girl meets a new strange girl who appears from the soil of the garden – Tomato Plant Girl! Tomato Plant Girl dresses upside down, eats dirt and plays with sticks instead of Barbies. She befriends Little Girl, teaches her how to play by her own rules, and helps empower Little Girl to tell Bossy Best Friend she would rather play alone than endure her bullying.
WHO: Appropriate for ages 5 to 105!
WHEN: April 16-17, 2002, 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: The Rehearsal Hall, Room 133, in the Nelson Fine Arts Center, 51 E. 10th St. on the ASU campus in Tempe.
CALL: For additional information, the public may call 480-965-9837.
Media Contact:
Megan Krause