Universal Pictures greenlights ASU film students for Hollywood internships

The ASU Herberger College School of Theatre and Film announces a co-operative education project with Universal Pictures.

Photo by Tim Trumble.

When ASU announced the establishment of its film and media production program three years ago, it was touted as the first in the nation to include an ethical component to its curriculum, but also as a hands-on course of study designed to teach students real life, professional skills. Now that goal has been further cemented as the ASU Herberger College School of Theatre and Film announces a co-operative education project with Universal Pictures in Universal City, Calif.

The ASU-Universal Co-op will allow competitively selected students to spend a full semester working with Universal’s production department in a co-operative learning environment. Following a successful pilot in fall 2008, the co-operative education program is entering its next phase of development.

“We are thrilled to be able to announce this collaboration with a Hollywood studio,” says Linda Essig, director of the ASU Herberger College School of Theatre and Film. “Through this program, our students receive a superlative opportunity to learn among some of the entertainment industry’s top professionals.”

The head of the film and media production program, F. Miguel Valenti, who also is a Lincoln Professor of Ethics and the Arts and assistant director of film in the School of Theatre and Film, shares Essig’s excitement.

“ASU students leave the film and media production program ready to jump in and make their mark in the world of filmmaking,” he says. “This immersion into the world of studio filmmaking will add immensely to their education. We look forward to a lasting and fruitful relationship with Universal.”

The first ASU student under the program served as an on-set intern on Universal’s Funny People, starring Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen, to be released July 31, 2009.

Current Universal Pictures releases include Frost/Nixon, co-produced with Working Title Films and Imagine Entertainment, andThe Tale of Despereaux - to be released Dec. 19 - co-produced with Framestore CFC, Larger Than Life Productions, Relativity Media, and Universal Animation Studios.

ASU Herberger College School of Theatre and Film faculty are drawn from the ranks of esteemed theatre and film professionals; their work regularly is seen in premiere venues and on screens internationally. The school offers a unique approach in its fusing of theatre and film and the teaching of ethics within its curriculum. Learn more at: http://theatrefilm.asu.edu.

The School of Theatre and Film in the Herberger College of the Arts at Arizona State University provides a comprehensive range of courses in performance and directing; design and production; new work development; theatre and performance studies; film; and theatre for youth. Its Theatre for Youth program is nationally ranked in the top three and the creative writing/playwriting program is ranked 15th among public institutions by U.S.News & World Report. To learn more about the School of Theatre and Film, visit http://theatrefilm.asu.edu

Public Contact: 
School of Theatre and Film

Media Contact:
Laurie A. Trotta Valenti
ASU Herberger College 
School of Theatre and Film