Threads and Pixels binds textiles and technology

Threads and Pixels binds textiles and technology., Nov. 3 – 13, at the Step Gallery in Tempe Center.

Photo by Ann Morton

ASU Herberger College School of Art digital fibers students

The Threads and Pixels exhibition features works made in digital fibers classes, information about the Jaquard process and various new techniques that students learned.

In the fall of 2007 and spring of 2008, the ASU Herberger College School of Art offered fibers students a unique class with exciting new techniques. Taught by Bhakti Ziek, a visiting artist, students learned to develop imagery in Adobe Photoshop, manipulate the resolution and colors and assign woven structures to final images. These files then were sent to Beljen Mills, a company in North Carolina that wove cloth from the digital images onto a Jaquard loom. This was only one of many technologically driven processes that was taught during the two semesters.

Step Gallery, Tempe Center, Ste. 174, Southeast corner of Mill Avenue and University Drive. For maps and parking information, visit:

Exhibition: Nov. 3 – 13, 2008

Reception: Monday, Nov. 3, 7–9 p.m.

Gallery Hours: Monday – Thursday, 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m


Public Contact
Ann Morton
ASU Herberger College School of Art
Master of Fine Arts candidate

The School of Art is a division of the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University. Its printmaking, photography and art education programs are nationally ranked in the top 10, and its Master of Fine Arts program is ranked eighth among public institutions by U.S.News & World Report. The school includes four student galleries for solo and group shows by graduate and undergraduate art and photography students: Gallery 100, Harry Wood, Northlight and Step. To learn more about the School of Art, visit

Media Contact:
Nick DeFord
Interim Gallery coordinator