Heavy metal cooking in Vesta's Kitchen
The ASU Foundry program, featuring Mary Neubauer, sculpture professor in the ASU Herberger College School of Art, and Mike Thomas, School of Art teaching assistant.
The Vesta's Kitchen exhibition of works from the ASU Foundry program, focuses on the history, tradition and mytho-poetics of the foundry arts. Students present a wide range of cast metal work created in bronze, iron, copper, brass, aluminum and interesting alloys of their own formulation, which are accompanied by short thematic essays.
Step Gallery, Tempe Center, Ste. 174, Northeast corner of 10th Street and University Drive (located just north of the ASU Art Museum Ceramics Research Center).
Exhibition: Nov. 17 – Dec. 5, 2008
Reception: Monday, Nov. 17, 7–9 p.m.
Gallery Hours: Monday – Thursday, 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. The gallery is closed Nov. 27–28.
Public Contact
Mary Neubauer
Sculpture professor
ASU Herberger College School of Art
The School of Art is a division of the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University. Its printmaking, photography and art education programs are nationally ranked in the top 10, and its Master of Fine Arts program is ranked eighth among public institutions by U.S.News & World Report. The school includes four student galleries for solo and group shows by graduate and undergraduate art and photography students: Gallery 100, Harry Wood, Northlight and Step. To learn more about the School of Art, visit art.asu.edu.
Media Contact:
Nick DeFord
Interim Gallery coordinator