Global studies student shares experiences from Guatemala

Daniel Shipley is a senior at ASU majoring in global studies. With the assistance of the Global Studies Travel Grant offered by the School of Politics and Global Studies, Shipley was able to intern with for the International Business Academy in Guatemala. After his trip, Shipley took the time to provide a recap of her experiences:
Question: What were some of the challenges that you had to overcome while on your trip?
Answer: Some of the biggest challenges that I had to overcome included the language barrier, time awareness (a lot of Guatemalans work on their own time schedule and often show up late), and the safety precautions I needed to take.
Q: What were your takeaways from this trip?
A: The news portrays a lot of other countries as these very dangerous corrupt places and almost leaves you with a sense of wherever you may go something bad will happen to you. I did have to take different precautions as to staying safe, however Guatemala is a very lovely and ever changing country. They are a lot more advanced than what the media would have you believe.
Q: How do you think that this trip will help you after graduation?
A: I love Guatemala, I have made several friends while I was there. I have networked with people down in Guatemala that I believe will benefit me in the future.
Q: If someone was interested in an experience such as this, what advice would you give them?
A: Be aware of your surroundings. You are not at home and so take extra precaution as to what you do and where you go. Plan where you go and don’t always use the same route. Travel within the country, go to the most traveled places and if you have time go to the places that people tell you about. Immerse yourself in the food. Just because they have McDonalds and subway down there doesn’t mean you should eat it. Make sure the food you are eating is safe but eat the food of the country you are going to and immerse yourself within the culture. The Guatemalan people are really helpful, accepting, and humble people.
Q: What do you like about being in the School of Politics and Global Studies?
A: I love the school of Politics and Global Studies because it has opened my eyes to the world. I have enjoyed classes with Dr. Ripley where he has taught me so much about the world. The counselors are top notch and the opportunity that is available to us is endless. The School of Politics and Global Studies has really taught me to dream big and go for my dreams.
Q: What are your plans after graduation?
A: My plans are to work for a year while I begin applying for several positions within the Government. Mainly I want to keep traveling and working with other countries outside the U.S.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share?
A: I would just like to thank the school for the opportunity I have had to go on this adventure. I learned a lot about myself and also about the people in other parts of the world. I have also come back to the United States with a greater appreciation of things we have here. I am proud to be a citizen of the United States, but I also because of this program realize the need to be a helping hand to others in the world.