ASU history professor to appear on C-SPAN 3

Brooks Simpson, ASU Foundation Professor of History in the College of Letters and Sciences and honors faculty member at Barrett, the Honors College. His area of expertise is 19th-century U.S. history, especially the period of the Civil War and Reconstruction, as well as the American presidency.
A discussion led by Arizona State University faculty member Brooks Simpson titled "Presidents and War Powers" will air on C-SPAN 3 at 6 and 10 p.m. MT on Jan. 16.
The discussion, focusing on the American commander-in-chief and going to war, was taped last October during a session of “Power & Politics: The American Presidency,” a course Simpson teaches at ASU's Barrett, the Honors College. A camera crew from C-SPAN’s American History TV taped the class for C-SPAN's "Lectures in History" program. A preview is available here.
The "Power & Politics" course focuses on the powers of the office of the president of the United States and the performance of the individuals who have occupied it. The class follows a lecture, discussion and question-and-answer format.
"Lectures in History" is part of C-SPAN's American History TV programming, which runs every weekend on C-SPAN 3 from 8 a.m. ET Saturday to 8 a.m. ET Monday. American History TV also airs at 8 p.m. weeknights during most Congressional holidays. "Lectures in History" also is available via podcast.
Simpson is also a ASU Foundation Professor of History in the College of Letters and Sciences. His area of expertise is 19th-century U.S. history, especially the period of the Civil War and Reconstruction, as well as the American presidency.
Simpson has appeared on C-SPAN 15 times.
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