ASU kicks off Salute to Service in style

Soldier having fun at a football game

 Arizona State University kicked off its Salute to Service campaign during the ASU-Oregon football game in patriotic style. The game included several recognitions for the univerisity's veterans — current and past — and active military including a pre-game unraveling of a 50-yard-long American flag that was carried onto the field by ASU's student veterans.

During the game, the honors continued, but much of the evening also showed how veterans fold into the campus life for events like football games. For instance, the photo above shows Air Force C/CAPT Brayden Boswell, a senior in the school's nursing program, celebrating ASU's first touchdown by letting her fellow military students toss her into the air as she gives the forked salute.

ASU will continue to honoring veterans and active military through various Salute to Service events through Nov. 13. 

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